What is erectile dysfunction? Causes, symptoms and treatment of male impotence – all you need to know

If you're having problems "getting it up" you are far from alone and plenty of help is out there

ERECTILE dysfunction is considered a tragic experience for any man and renders what may have once been your pride and joy a lifeless, floppy, waste of space.

If you’re having problems ‘getting it up’, you are far from alone and plenty of help is out there.

Don’t look at me: This man would be a lot better off if he knew about some of the treatments out there for erectile dysfunction

What is erectile dysfunction?

The condition is sometimes referred to as impotence and is characterized by the inability to get or maintain an erection.

Psychological impotence refers to when a man can’t get it up because of thoughts or feelings that are holding him back.

When impotence is caused by underlying physical health problems it tends to be longer-lasting and treatment is needed.

Often reducing stress or doing more exercise can soon help a man return to form

What are the psychological causes of erectile dysfunction?

Depression and anxiety can both cause erectile dysfunction as a sufferer’s libido is hampered by feelings of sadness or worry.

Relationship issues, lack of sexual knowledge, and past sexual abuse can also be responsible.

Sometimes entering a new relationship is the problem and feelings of guilt are also a known cause.

Recently, it was revealed that men addicted to porn were at risk of erectile dysfunction because their “sexual tolerance is higher”.
 associate professor of urology and director of male reproductive health at New York University, said: “Visual stimulation will often increase sexual arousal in both men and women.

“But when the majority of their time is spent viewing and masturbating to pornography, it is likely they will become less interested in real-world sexual encounters.

“These studies suggest the issue may be trivial in women, but not so for men, and could lead to sexual dysfunction.

“Sex is half in your body and half in your head and it may not be a physical component driving the behaviour, but a psychological one.

“For this reason, it’s important for physicians to understand the underlying issues leading to the sexual dysfunction prior to suggesting treatment options.”

What are the physical causes of erectile dysfunction?

There are four main types of physical condition that can cause impotence in men.
Vasculogenic disorders such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes affect the flow of blood to your penis and cause erectile dysfunction. Neurogenic conditions, which affect the nerves and include disorders such as Parkinson’s disease and multiple sceloris, are also responsible.
A hormonal disorder, affecting your hormones, is another example of a physical problem that can lead to impotence. An anatomical condition is something that affects the tissue or structure of the penis and is the fourth physical cause. Old age is also commonly associated with impotence.

What to do if your erectile dysfunction is not physical or psychological?
Some men experience impotence when they have too much to drink.
Drugs such as cannabis, cocaine, crack and heroin can also lead to problems in the bedroom.
When a man is extremely tired this can also make it more difficult to get it up.

What are the psychological causes of erectile dysfunction?

Depression and anxiety can both cause erectile dysfunction as a sufferer’s libido is hampered by feelings of sadness or worry.
Relationship issues, lack of sexual knowledge, and past sexual abuse can also be responsible.
Sometimes entering a new relationship is the problem and feelings of guilt are also a known cause.
Recently, it was revealed that men addicted to porn were at risk of erectile dysfunction because their “sexual tolerance is higher”.
, associate professor of urology and director of male reproductive health at New York University, said: “Visual stimulation will often increase sexual arousal in both men and women.
“But when the majority of their time is spent viewing and masturbating to pornography, it is likely they will become less interested in real-world sexual encounters.
“These studies suggest the issue may be trivial in women, but not so for men, and could lead to sexual dysfunction.
“Sex is half in your body and half in your head and it may not be a physical component driving the behaviour, but a psychological one.
“For this reason, it’s important for physicians to understand the underlying issues leading to the sexual dysfunction prior to suggesting treatment options.”

What are the physical causes of erectile dysfunction?

There are four main types of physical condition that can cause impotence in men.
Vasculogenic disorders such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes affect the flow of blood to your penis and cause erectile dysfunction.
Neurogenic conditions, which affect the nerves and include disorders such as Parkinson’s disease and multiple sceloris, are also responsible.
A hormonal disorder, affecting your hormones, is another example of a physical problem that can lead to impotence.An anatomical condition is something that affects the tissue or structure of the penis and is the fourth physical cause. Old age is also commonly associated with impotence.

What to do if your erectile dysfunction is not physical or psychological?

Some men experience impotence when they have too much to drink.
Drugs such as cannabis, cocaine, crack and heroin can also lead to problems in the bedroom.
When a man is extremely tired this can also make it more difficult to get it up.

What are the psychological causes of erectile dysfunction?

Depression and anxiety can both cause erectile dysfunction as a sufferer’s libido is hampered by feelings of sadness or worry.
Relationship issues, lack of sexual knowledge, and past sexual abuse can also be responsible.
Sometimes entering a new relationship is the problem and feelings of guilt are also a known cause.
Recently, it was revealed that men addicted to porn were at risk of erectile dysfunction because their “sexual tolerance is higher”.

“But when the majority of their time is spent viewing and masturbating to pornography, it is likely they will become less interested in real-world sexual encounters.

“These studies suggest the issue may be trivial in women, but not so for men, and could lead to sexual dysfunction.

“Sex is half in your body and half in your head and it may not be a physical component driving the behaviour, but a psychological one.

“For this reason, it’s important for physicians to understand the underlying issues leading to the sexual dysfunction prior to suggesting treatment options.”

What are the physical causes of erectile dysfunction?

There are four main types of physical condition that can cause impotence in men.
Vasculogenic disorders such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes affect the flow of blood to your penis and cause erectile dysfunction.
Neurogenic conditions, which affect the nerves and include disorders such as Parkinson’s disease and multiple sceloris, are also responsible.
A hormonal disorder, affecting your hormones, is another example of a physical problem that can lead to impotence.
An anatomical condition is something that affects the tissue or structure of the penis and is the fourth physical cause. Old age is also commonly associated with impotence.

What to do if your erectile dysfunction is not physical or psychological?

Some men experience impotence when they have too much to drink.
Drugs such as cannabis, cocaine, crack and heroin can also lead to problems in the bedroom.
When a man is extremely tired this can also make it more difficult to get it up.

What treatments are there for erectile dysfunction?
Health specialists will often treat impotence by targeting an underlying health condition which is causing it such as heart disease or diabetes.

Lifestyle changes are also recommended such as losing weight, quitting smoking, cutting back on alcohol, exercising more, and reducing stress.
Aside from those, branded medications such as Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, and Spedra can also be prescribed.
These drugs are known a Phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE-5) inhibitors.
However these medications should be used with caution in men who have heart problems.
Sex therapists out there can also help men to get hard again but this treatment only works if the problem is psychological.

Are there are new treatments for erectile dysfunction?
It has recently been reported that stains, drugs used for reducing cholesterol, ease blood flow and help men maintain erections.
Watermelon is said to be a possible natural treatment for erectile dysfunction.
The fruit has various health benefits including the relaxing of the blood vessels… something which can help with getting more blood to the penis.
A gadget called a “Stays-Hard” is another potential treatment for impotence and could be available on the NHS in the next three years.

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